General products such as general sealants (for full range see , expanding foam, woodscrews and masonry screws, cable clips, plasterboard fixings, to handwipes, and hiviz waistcoats that can be personalised for you by Jayne. 


Simply jigsaw, hacksaw and reciprocating saw blades together with knife blades

Ceilings & partitions

Fixings used for ceilings and drywalling, including self drilling screws and drill bits.

Drill Bits & Driver Bits

Range of drill bits and driver bits


Cable management products and insulation tapes

Hand Tools

This category contains cable staple guns and some basic hand tools, Windows tools and Riggers tools are also available.


Just wipes, loo rolls and tissue paper roll.


Personal protection equipment. Please note that Wipes are on the Janitorial page. Ask our Jayne regarding adding your logo to your hiviz clothing.